We're still here

Today marks three months since we were sent home to "shelter in place." In some ways it has been a roller coaster, albeit a very quiet and slow-moving one. To embrace that analogy completely, this roller coaster has its moments of just gliding smoothly along in our little car of four, followed by plummets into the unknown where sheer panic overcomes me and I struggle to control my breathing so I don't have to huff into a paper bag. So many times in the week I remind myself of how fortunate we are. We both have jobs where we can continue to work and be paid from home. We have health coverage. We have the technology and the wifi to allow us to work at home, as well as plenty of space to set up two home offices. Make that FOUR home offices as the girls school from home. We are healthy, our families and friends are mostly healthy and continue to work. We do not suffer the effects of racism or dangerously ineffective political leadership. Medical advice comes from rational,...