Quarantine Diaries

My daughter woke up the other morning and started telling me about this really strange dream she had about being forced to build a raft from random stuff in order to get around a city where the streets were made of water and there were babies everywhere that needed rescuing. Without batting an eyelash I told her I had a weird dream as well. I was grocery shopping in a quiet store where nobody looked at me and I had to stay far away from all the other people, who were wearing masks. When I got home I had to unpack the groceries on the deck outside, disinfect each item and lay it out to dry in the sun, then disinfect myself. I had to leave my shoes outside and come in to strip off, throw all my clothes in the washing machine and then get in the shower before I could touch anything in the house. She kind of looked at me strangely and said she thought her dream was more interesting. Her dream of course was a dream, while mine was the reality of that morning. It is Da...