Finding familiar in the strange
It is hard to know where to start when I've been silent on the blog front for months. Upheaval makes me quiet, but now we are settling again in a strange land, anticipating our first Christmas on the Canadian prairie. It seems a little crazy at times, but then compared to most things in the world right now it seems pretty minor. It is different in so many ways here, the cold, the landscape, the people, the huge, never-ending sky that opens up on the horizon every morning. The train whistle blowing every night, its mournful sound echoing across the sleeping city and the prairie that crouches at its edges. I miss the red cliffs dusted with snow, and the December whitecaps off the coast, and the warmth of our family and friends nearby, but I must admit the adventurer in me has re-awoken after years of post-parental slumber. I have long been fascinated by the prairies, and several trips driving across Canada have convinced me that Saskatchewan...